Taurus Couples Horoscope

There's a whole lot more to learn for your earthy sign in regards to your partnership. Life's changes and challenges from 2020 have tested you to the maximum and showed you the strength of your loving connections. This can mean that certain partnerships did not withstand the test of time while others remained stronger than ever. Every Taurus is going to have an identity shift in some capacity. The overall test is to let go of the need to be right. With certain squares opening up the year—especially with Saturn in Aquarius forming squares with Uranus in your sign—there can be a major reality that couples have to face regarding the timing of work matters and romantic scheduling.

You might be burning the midnight oil when it comes to personal affairs through much of this year. It’s especially important to make time for your partnerships, especially during the months of February, May, June, and December. Those couples that prioritize date nights and specific days together will be able to make it through anything.

There is also a possibility for a surprise when it comes to family planning, so being super safe in the bedroom will be key in the case you are not looking to expand your family. With all the eclectic Uranian energy zipping around your chart much of the year, there can be sudden romantic developments such as shot-gun weddings, financial settlements, and even babies your way. This energy is also compounded by the presence of some extremely enlightening eclipses. For coupled Taureans, you will need to step up for someone at the drop off a hat. You might even be shown your most as you must think carefully yet be prepared to really stand up and be there for the person you love.